Transportation of the ArtTech Evolution car in Rustavi

Press Centre


Transportation of the ArtTech Evolution car in Rustavi

After the race in Sochi, part of the team and the ArtTech Evolution GT car went to Georgia through the Verkhniy Lars checkpoint. The question of wintering remains open; of all directions, Rustavi International Motorpark would be a good option, which is why we transported the car there.

The one-way journey is about 2100 km and will take about 3 days.
From Moscow to Vladikavkaz - 1800 km, plus from Vladikavkaz to Rustavi a little more than 200 km.
We drove along the route: Sochi-Tuapse-Maikop-Armavir-Pyatigorsk-Vladikavkaz (770 km).

Preparation of documents.

  • You do not need a visa to Georgia, you need a valid Russian passport.
  • Invitation from the Rustavi Autodrome to sports events (tests and training).
  • Necessary transport documents ensuring the right to own technical equipment to cross the border (we made powers of attorney for team members who could cross the border driving support vehicles).
  • A list of transported property, listing the units with their weight and cost (the cost affects the size of the duty for registration of temporary import into Georgia, as they said it varies from 100 to 500 lari).
  • A letter of support from the RAF (available upon request indicating the reason for departure) listing: escort vehicles and technical support, a list of personnel, and, in fact, what you are carrying, for example:

- GT4 racing car make, model, year of manufacture, identification number, engine displacement, STP RAF No., quantity, weight, cost.

- Front wheel assembly, quantity, weight, cost.

- Box with suspension spare parts, quantity, weight, cost.

Possibility of sealing cargo.
There is no customs clearance on the Georgian side at the border. At the border, the legality of entry is checked and, if the cargo goes beyond the free passage, it is sealed and entered into the customs register.
Next you are sent to the customs terminal, which in our case was located on the outskirts of Tbilisi, 20 km from the autodrome. Georgians use either destructible stickers or hanging seals. There is a large fine for damaging them.
In the case of small parts, it is better to place them in containers that can also be sealed.

Программы для пилотов, желающих потренироваться на сухом асфальте и в тепле, станут доступны уже в ближайшее время.

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