Testing the ArtTech Evo GT

Press Centre


Testing the ArtTech Evo GT

Pursuing the main goal of these tests - increasing the reliability of the car, we are testing a simplified lubrication system. Fewer units means higher reliability. One of the items in the ArtTech Evolution technical upgrade plan is testing a new system that cools the transmission oil and improves the operation of gears in gearboxes.

What's testing without a knowledgeable driver who can provide valuable feedback on the car's performance on the track?
It is this kind of person who helps in our business - Nikita Kostrovsky (test driver of ADM Raceway, professional instructor and just a wonderful person).

By driving a large number of test kilometers, we look for weak points in the design that could fail. And we can say that there have already been some successes - the new system has not yet failed. However, we continue to search for the necessary parameters to maintain optimal pressure in the engine.