ARTTech P315 hits the tarmac

Press Centre


ARTTech P315 hits the tarmac

"ArtLine" has completed the first stage of factory testing program at Rustavi International Motorpark.

4 days of reliability testing have seen the chassis run over 800 kilometers at the burning-hot Rustavi circuit. Despite the air temperature of up to +40 degrees, the car driven by a Latvian F3 veteran Harald Schlegelmilch has done many series of runs constantly increasing the covered distance all the way to a proper race simulation.

The engineers have not registered any mechanical failure of the chassis and the car has never stopped on the track eventually braking the F3 lap record for Rustavi, while NBE have reported the stable performance of the engine, in part thanks to the efficient cooling system which kept the water temperature below 75 degrees regardless of the weather conditions.

The driver has pointed out the build quality, good balance of the car and noticeable reaction to every set-up change. Another advantage underlined by Schlegelmilch is the P315’s spacious monocoque which can comfortably accommodate a driver of up to 195 cm.

At the moment "ArtLine" is carrying on the testing and at the same time assembling two more cars which will be entered in the remaining events of FIA F3 European Championship.